2008年1月20日 星期日

UML tools

List of UML tools from wiki

Netbean UML features

StarUML supports most of the diagram types specified in UML 2.0.
It is currently missing object, package, timing and Interaction overview diagrams
(though the first two can be adequately modeled through the class diagram editor).
StarUML is an open source UML tool, licensed under a modified version of GNU GPL.

Telelogic Modeler is a Unified Modeling Language (UML) 2.1 based environment for systems and software in applications ranging from enterprise IT to embedded device development.s

2008年1月18日 星期五

物件導向設計 - OOD Object Oriented Design

Migrate from code-centric to model-centric development

OpenUP In a Nutshell

OpenUP In a Nutshell

Software development process - 軟體開發流程

雖然工作繁複困難, 但如果是客戶付了一大筆錢, 刖仍然應該把他做好

如果要重複很多次做類似的事情, 則應該有較好的程序與技術把事情做好

如果無法預測未來的事情, 那就是風險

RUP introduction in wikipedia

book: "The Rational Unified Process, An Introduction" by Philippe Kruchten

RUP walkthrough: Applying Rational tools to a simple J2EE-based project

Use case design - OOD

Getting from use cases to code: Use Case Design from IBM-Rational

Use case analysis - OOA

Getting from use cases to code

use case resources

Use Cases: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow by Ivar jacobson, who is the 1st master of use case methodology

Use case in Wikipedia

Putting use cases to work from IBM-Rational

Managing use-case detail from IBM-Rational

Use cases best practices: get the pdf from IBM-Rational

Adopting use cases: Understanding types of use cases and artifacts from IBM-Rational

book: "Use Case Driven Object Modeling With UML: A Practical Approach" By: Doug Rosenberg, Kendall Scott

Software Cost Estimation With Use Case Points

Design pattern - persistence with spring+hibernate

2008年1月16日 星期三

Effective Process 有效的流程


UML resources

UML forum

UML basics: An introduction to the Unified Modeling Language

IBM Rational UML Resources

A Hands-On Introduction for Developers

UML tutorial with Netbean

del.icio.us UML slides

A UML Introduction Tutorial